Event Date : May 14th, 2021
Time : 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Central European Time (CET)
Place: ONLINE at https://unyp-cz.zoom.us/j/88049386667
Click here for the conference proceedings​
ISRC is an annual opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students from around the world to present their research. Students of all academic levels, including freshmen and graduates, may present their scholarly work at the conference. The conference is open to students studying Social Sciences from UNYP, ESC, and beyond!
ISRC has the honor of hosting special guest PhDr. David Greger, Ph.D. Director of the Institute for Research and Development of Education, Charles University in Prague. Students will have the opportunity to represent their school as well as their own research. The audience is also able to engage with the presenters by providing feedback or asking questions during the Q & A session.
Not only does ISRC provide an opportunity to share knowledge and experience, but it also serves as a connecting point for students to create relationships and network with peers and professionals from around Europe. Students who choose to submit their research proposal will be selected either to present orally during specific time blocks, or to present a poster during a break.
All presented papers will be published as part of the conference proceedings on the ISRC website.
The International Student Research Conference is an event organized annually by the University of New York in Prague in collaboration with Empire State College, NY.
The conference is free of charge and welcomes everyone!
You can register for the event here.
You can access the event here
Abstract submission deadline: March 30th, 2021
Notice of Acceptance: April 6th, 2021
General Registration Deadline: April 27th, 2021